防磨牙器 (售馨)

日本製品:口腔護理品, 減少鼻鼾防止磨牙牙托 纳米银防菌防臭科技

防磨牙器 (售馨)  

關注鼻鼾失眠 請用經絡按摩戒指

幫助上下顎咬合正確,在睡眠中糾正上下顎錯位,減輕惱人的鼻鼾, 令到呼吸順暢。


How to use the Anti-Snoring Gutta-percha


1Put both flank of gutta-percha with the word of Top upwards where between upper molar tooth and lower molar tooth.


2The upper molar tooth and lower molar tooth get alignment occlusion for tightening the muscle arround pharynx, prevention form blocking the respiratory path.


3This products is the tiny parts, so, it is not suitable for children and the patients with loose pharyngeal muscle. Please consult with doctor if there are problems.


Thee Functions of the Revolutionary Design

Avoid Snoring   

Improve Occlusion 

between the Upper and Lower Teeth  Improve the shape of chin during sleep




鼻鼾聲也有年青化趨勢。 剛步入中年人如果較少用力咀嚼,日常進食不細嚼慢嚥的話口腔肌肉開始萎縮,萎縮會改變人的容貌。







營養師建議,從年輕時就適當咀嚼保持下顎肌肉得以鍛煉,不要只進食柔軟無需咀嚼的食物.  可以咀嚼無糖香口膠, 更建議選擇一些無糖無鹽的較為堅韌,需要長時間咀嚼的健康零食,例如堅果,椰子肉,番薯干,少鈉的魷魚乾,可以幫助下顎強化,同時美麗完好的下巴。


 The muscle at both size of cheek is no tight, thus the submaxillary malposition can be caused during sleepiness, The uvula that over the pharynx can obstruct the throat from traction, more severely, suffocation during sleep is likely to happen.

Therefore, the simple and light gutta-percha is an effective solution to the snoring issued. Both flank of gutta-percha are put between the upper molars and lower molars, the bent lines that connect two flanks is blocked below the tongue, which can help improved the aligned occlusion between the upper and lower palates, therefore, smooth breath via the nose can be restored during sleep.


銷售地點: 除了百貨公司之外, 以下地點:

佐敦店 HealthTop上海街86號佐敦廣場地下 電話2317 5068

土瓜灣 HealthTop落山道17號地下 電話2334 3138

深水埗HealthTop青山道64號地下2374 6977

屯門青柏徑6號鹿苑大廈地下8號電話2441 0822

