
新冠肺炎 家居office消毒幫手『消毒片』


等於1 c.c的二氧化氯,加入999 c.c的水



【原理】透過與消化蛋白質破壞活病毒與微生物細胞壁,造成其細胞運作中斷與氨基酸和RNA反應,一旦與菌類 , 病毒 , 孢子真菌接觸,可快速破壞並瓦解病毒。


消毒片可達 99.9% 滅菌效能,  以微米級水霧迅速散佈於空氣中,  達到殺滅空氣中病菌的效果。


【使用方法】  冰箱有異味,擦拭冰箱待等30分鐘,就可繼續使用        最常用的,就是水壺久了常會有異味產生,可以試試裝水進去倒點二氧化氯,蓋上蓋子倒放,靜待約10分鐘,再倒出用清水沖洗一次待乾就沒有味道囉! J .

·        空氣異味或消毒,當烤肉完或是空間有人抽菸,將稀釋液裝在噴霧中,噴於空氣中就可以去除味道!

·        用在小朋友的玩具室,對著玩具噴一噴即可消毒,而且不需要用清水再洗一次!



很多人會誤會二氧化氯 = 漂白水()是一樣的,但其實大錯特錯喔!這兩個都含有氯,但殺菌原理是不一樣的相較使用漂白水可能會產生三鹵甲烷(THMs)等致癌物質,二氧化氯由於是利用氧化對抗微生物,因此不會產生氯化消毒副產物,



:市售的雙液型是將二氧化氯 (A)加入酸(B),將二氧化氯逼出溶液,這樣的作法瞬間殺菌力較強,但時效性較短。安定性的二氧化氯可單獨使用,不需添加酸劑仍有良好的殺菌力。



【使用方法】將單片放入清水中 , 靜置5分鐘 , 


適合任何與空氣環境生活有關的位置,例如淋灑門口地毯,鞋底,兒童玩具及遊戲把手位置,診所,病房,浴室,廚房,餐廳食市酒吧,車廂儲物室, 魚缸龜池,寵物用具及其活動位置,廁所,進行除臭,地面,受污染的衣物例如工作服或內衣褲。


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Kills 99.999%germs and bacteria


Q: Is ClO2 safe?

A: Chlorine dioxide is toxic, hence limits on exposure to itare needed to ensure its safe use. The United States Environmental ProtectionAgency has set a maximum level of 0.8 mg/L for chlorinedioxide in drinking water.


Q: How does chlorine dioxide kill bacteria?

AChlorine dioxide can be used as oxidizer or disinfectant.It is a very strong oxidizer and it effectively kills pathogenicmicroorganisms such as fungi, bacteria andviruses. It also prevents and removes bio film. ... Chlorinedioxide can also be used against anthrax, becauseit is effective against spore-forming bacteria.


Q: Why is ClO2 highly reactive?

A: Because of its radical structure, ChlorineDioxide has a particular reactivity -totally different from that of chlorine or ozone. ... Commercial applicationshave shown that Chlorine Dioxide can effectively oxidise many compoundsconsidered to be waste and water pollutants.


Q: Is chlorine dioxide the same as bleach?

A: Often mistaken for chlorinechlorinedioxide is a similarly-named chemical also usedfor treating drinking water. Chlorinedioxide has several advantages over chlorine: ...Chlorine dioxide has2.6 times the oxidative power of chlorinebleach.


Q: What is chlorine dioxide made of?

A: Chlorine DioxideChlorinedioxide (ClO2) is a chemical compound consistingof one chlorine atom and two oxygen atoms. It is areddish to yellowish-green gas at room temperature that dissolves in water. Itis used for a variety of antimicrobial uses, including the disinfection ofdrinking water.


Q: Is chlorine dioxide heavier than air?

AThe hazards of the gaseous chlorinedioxide are therefore inherent to hazards of thesolution . A pale green liquid when dissolved in water, which is irritating tothe eyes, skin and respiratory passages. The evolved gas is yellowish-green toorange in colour, is heavier than air and can accumulate in low-lying areas.


QWhy is chlorine unstable?

A: Chlorine is very unstable andreacts with a variety of chemicals and water when it is released into theenvironment. Chlorine isbroken down by sunlight within a matter of several minutes. Chlorine dissolvesin water and is converted into chloride andhypochlorous acid.


Q: Is chlorine dioxide harmful to humans?

A: Chlorine dioxide has a 0.1ppm 8-hr safety level whilehydrogen peroxide's level is 1ppm. Both are used at concentrations over ahundred times greater than their safety levels, so exposure to either is dangerousChlorinedioxide gas, however, does have properties whichhelp reduce the risk of danger to humans.


Q: What is the name for ClO2?

A: ClO2. From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia. ClO2 mayrefer to: Chlorinedioxide, a chemical compound with formula ClO2.